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A Culture of Kindness

Something that I like to focus on in my classroom is teaching missing skills. When kids don't know how to add-- we teach them. When they don't know how to write-- we teach them. However, when it comes to behavior and they don't know how to "behave" or act in a certain situation, what do we do? Do we punish? Give consequences? Call home? Maybe. But something that I have to remember is that I am the teacher, so let me teach them. 

I created this kindness card for some students that were struggling with using kind words toward their peers. Anytime they said or did something unkind, they completed a kindness card to replace hurtful language with kind words instead. These cards can be used for anything! Whether it is teaching kind words or simply just doing something kind for someone, kindness cards can help! You can download this FREEBIE from my TPT Store today! 

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